模板类 Stack C++ 实现(线性存储版)
今天自己写了一个 C++ 中的栈(stack)实现,在实现的时候主要问题如下。
在 C++ 中,容器类是没办法实现「只存储引用」这个目标的。假如我想实现一个只存储引用(也就是存储指针)的容器,那意味着我必须保证引用不悬空(不产生悬空指针)。然而,用户push到栈中的元素可能是局部变量,那么万一用户将我的stack传递到函数体外,就无法保证这一点了。所以,任何容器类必须面临「复制构造函数」的时耗。
使用数组 T* arr = new T[count];
* A Stack Implement
* With Resizing Array
* Copyright(C) Ceeji
#ifndef _STACK_H_
#define _STACK_H_
* stack : a stack implement template class
template <typename T>
class stack {
void push(const T& element); // push an element to this stack
T pop(); // pop an element from this stack
int size(); // get the size of this stack
bool isEmpty(); // is the stack empty
void resizeCapacity(); // resize the capacity of stack
const T** arr;
int n; // count
int capacity;
template <typename T>
stack<T>::stack() {
// init the variable
this->n = 0;
this->capacity = 1; // default capacity is 1
// alloc memory for stack
arr = new const T*[this->capacity];
template <typename T>
void stack<T>::push(const T& element) {
// check memory size
if (this->size() == this->capacity) {
this->capacity = this->capacity << 1; // capacity *= 2
//push element
arr[n++] = new T(element); // add the reference
template <typename T>
T stack<T>::pop() {
// get the element
T tmp(*arr[--n]);
// release memory
delete arr[n];
// resize the capacity
if (this->capacity / this->size() >= 3) {
this->capacity = this->size();
return tmp;
template <typename T>
inline bool stack<T>::isEmpty() {
return n == 0;
template <typename T>
inline int stack<T>::size() {
return n;
* resize the capacity of this stack
template <typename T>
void stack<T>::resizeCapacity() {
const T** tmp = new const T*[this->capacity];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
tmp[i] = this->arr[i];
delete[] this->arr;
this->arr = tmp;
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