POJ 2965:非算法优化的重要:时间直减 50%!

可以说这道题和 POJ 1753 特别相似,唯一不同的是,这道题改变了翻转方法,如果直接位运算 + BFS,会稍微有一点点超时。 所以,这次我采用了非算法方面的优化,直接通过下面的方法将题目的时间减少了50%:

  1. 用宏彻底消除了几乎所有函数的调用开支。
  2. 使用非同步读写优化读写速度(见代码注释)。
 *      Flip Game (POJ 2965)
 *      URL: http://poj.org/problem?id=2965
 *      Author: Ceeji Cheng
 *      Type: 枚举 + 位运算
 *      Status: Sovled
 *      Visit http://ceeji.net/ for more information.
 *      2010-11-14
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#define count 16
#define rwcount 4
#define bitwidth 16
#define maxlength 65538
#define copyarr(source,dest) dest = source;
#define flip(pstatus, x, y) \
	for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < rwcount; ii += 1) \
	{ \
		pstatus = pstatus ^ (1 << (bitwidth - (x * rwcount + ii) - 1)); \
	} \
	for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < rwcount; ii += 1) \
	{ \
		pstatus = pstatus ^ (1 << (bitwidth - (ii * rwcount + y) - 1)); \
	} \
	pstatus = pstatus ^ (1 << (bitwidth - (x * rwcount + y) - 1)); 
#define output(steps) \
	cout << steps;
#define check(pstatus) (pstatus == 0)
#define hassame(status) used[status]
typedef unsigned short round_status;
typedef unsigned int uint;
using namespace std;
bool used[maxlength];
void init(round_status &pstatus)
	std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false); // 优化读入速度。
	memset(used, 0, sizeof(used));
	pstatus = 0;
	char c;
	for (uint i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                	cin >> c;
                while (!(c == '-' || c == '+'));
		if (c == '+')
			pstatus = pstatus | (1 << (15 - i));
void output_detail(int p, round_status (&status)[maxlength], int (&cx)[maxlength],  int (&cy)[maxlength],  int (&father)[maxlength])
	if (p <= 0)
	output_detail(father[p], status, cx, cy, father);
	cout << cx[p] + 1 << ' ' << cy[p] + 1 << endl;
/* Find the result. */
void search(round_status &pstatus)
	round_status status[maxlength];
	int step[maxlength], father[maxlength], cx[maxlength], cy[maxlength];
	int pf = 0, pc = 1;
	step[0] = 0;
	cx[0] = -1;
	cy[0] = -1;
	status[0] = pstatus;
	father[0] = 0;
	used[pstatus] = true;
		for (uint i = 0; i < rwcount; ++i)
			for (uint j = 0; j < rwcount; ++j)
                       		status[pc] = status[pf];
				flip(status[pc], i, j);
				if (hassame(status[pc]))
				step[pc] = step[pf] + 1;
				used[status[pc]] = true;
				father[pc] = pf;
				cx[pc] = i;
				cy[pc] = j;
				if (check(status[pc]))
					output(step[pf] + 1);
					cout << endl;
					output_detail(pc, status, cx, cy, father);
				if (pc > maxlength - 1)
					cout << "Impossible";
	while ((pf < pc));
	cout << "Impossible";
int main(void)
	round_status start_status; // start status of the field.
	if (check(start_status))
		return 0;
	return 0;

题外话:我帮你整理了包括 AI 写作、绘画、视频(自媒体制作)零门槛 AI 课程 + 国内可直接顺畅使用的软件。想让自己快速用上 AI 工具来降本增效,辅助工作和生活?限时报名
